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Every wondered how practical a door bottom seal really is? After all, the space it’s sealing is quite small, especially compared to the entire area of the doorway. The fact is, door sweeps and other door bottom seal devices are effective at what they do. This is what makes them so popular.
Keep reading! We’ll explore your options for door sweeps to assist with weatherization of your home. You will also learn how they can be easily installed and replaced.
Plus, door bottom seals, such as the door weatherstrip, do more than stop drafts. They are used in soundproofing, pest control, and more. We’ll give you a rundown of these functions, too.

Types of Door Sweeps
Door sweeps are generally made to be both easy to install and long-lasting. The materials used and the design of the door sweep help to ensure this.
Aluminium, PVC, and stainless steel are commonly used to make door sweep holders. Daoseal door sweeps, for example, come with aluminium or PVC holders. The door sweep holder is typically fitted with a door weatherstrip of solid vinyl or plastic. There is also the option of a door sweep fitted with a brush instead of a strip. The door sweep brush is often made with nylon or PVC bristles.

Door sweeps come in two basic designs that differ in how they are fitted to the door
Metal door sweeps typically use screws for very secure installation. You can choose this kind of door sweep if you plan for it to be a permanent fixture on your door. Another good reason is if the door is in a high-use area.
The screws help to ensure the door sweep stays in place no matter how often it is opened and closed.
The second design is a door sweep attached by means of an adhesive strip. These door sweeps are most likely the PVC type. They do not call for drilling holes in the door and so they work well on metal doors. They are also a good choice for doors that do not see much traffic.
The adhesive will keep the door sweep securely attached to the door. The door sweep can be easily removed, however, if you do not intend for it to remain in place permanently.
How to Install a Door Sweep
Installing a door sweep is an easy DIY task whether it is to be attached with screws or it has an adhesive strip,
All you need to install this kind of door sweep is a tape measure and a sturdy pair of scissors. For best results, clean the bottom of the door where the door sweep is to be attached.

- Measure the width of the door.
- Cut the door sweep to match it. PVC door sweeps are usually easy to cut if you have a sturdy pair of scissors.
- Position the door sweep against the base of the door to determine the exact location for it. It should just be touching the threshold.
- Hold the door sweep in place. Mark a line on the door across the top of the door sweep so you know exactly where it should go.
- Peel away the adhesive backing and press the door sweep in place using your line as a guide.
Some door sweeps, such as aluminium door bottom seals use screws. They can be installed in just a few steps. You will need a tape measure, drill, hacksaw, and screwdriver.

- Measure the width of the door.
- Use a hacksaw to cut the door sweep to the desired length.
- Position the door sweep against the base of the door to determine the exact location for it. It should just be touching the threshold.
- Hold the door sweep in place. Mark where the pilot holes should be made for the screws.
- Set aside the door sweep and drill the pilot holes in the door.
- The final step is to attach the door sweep to the door with the screws. Door bottom seal kits usually come with the screws included.
How to Replace a Door Sweep
Over time, you may find that your door sweep becomes worn and needs replacing. Door sweeps that were attached with screws can be removed by first removing all the screws. You can then follow the steps above for installing a new one.
The adhesive type door sweep can be removed by peeling it off the door. If there is adhesive still stuck to the door, a good adhesive cleaner should get rid of it. Install the new door sweep using the steps outlined above.
Door Sweep for Soundproofing

There are several reasons you might want to soundproof a room. Door bottom seals can aid your efforts in soundproofing a door no matter your reason.
Perhaps, you are trying to keep annoying noises out so your space can remain peaceful. The sound of cars passing by, the voices of other people in the house, and just general noise can be toned down by a door sweep.
It could be, too, that you want to keep sounds in. You might like playing music, for example, but don’t want to disturb others in the house. Using a door sweep helps you to be considerate of others by muffling the sounds leaving the room.
A door weatherstrip of solid vinyl or PVC might work better at soundproofing than the door sweep brush variety.
Door Bottom Seal: Insect Barrier and More
A good reason to get a door bottom seal installed is that it helps to keep pesky bugs out. Both the door sweep brush and door weatherstrip can set up an effective barrier to insects and other bugs.
A door bottom sweep weather seal works on much more than drafts, sound, and bugs. It can also keep out other elements, such as light and upsetting scents. It will even help the room stay cleaner by keeping it free of dust and sand.

Bottom Line: Are Door Bottom Seals Efficient and Effective?
It’s a real no-brainer for any of us that simply closing the door is an energy-saver. It stops cold air from coming in and warm air from escaping. This leads to lower energy use and, by extension, lower energy bills. But, is closing the door enough? Sometimes, no.
That space between the door bottom and the floor can create a steady and relatively strong draft. Sealing it in as effective a manner as possible then becomes a priority. This is the job of door bottom seals.